Subject: [Transavaya] SRS Coverage Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 16:09:31 -0700 From: "Moriarty, Sharon (Sharon)" To:,,,, "'Catherine Loader'" , "Parker, Alan A (Alan)" CC: "Buckley, Madelyn (Madelyn)" Hi Karen and Mary Ann, As you are both aware at this stage, I received my cheque for SRS about a week back (YesSSSS), minus a charge of $400 for not pre-certifying and a $500 deposit that I had made for this surgery over two years ago. I have recently submitted my bills to United Healthcare for the second and more minor stage of this surgery (termed Labiaplasty) and I will let you know how I get on there. The following I see as the requirements that are needed to gain coverage, at least this is what worked for me. (i) Two letters of recommendation, from your primary therapist and a second from your second opinion therapist. One of these therapist's must possess a PhD degree in clinical behaviorism. (ii) A letter of recommendation from your primary care physician that supervised your transition outlining their professional qualifications and the medical necessity of the procedure. (iii) Medical pre-certification of the procedure to avoid a penalty. (iv) Some information to suggest that you have followed the Harry Benjamin standards of care including information suggesting that the patient suffers from Gender Identity Disorder.This information will need to form part of the content of the Doctor's and Therapist's letters of recommendations. (v) Detailed Billing information of the procedure, including the CPT code for the Procedure and the costs incurred because of hospital stay and emergency care. I have included two sample letters (one from my Doctor and one from my primary therapist) that may be used as guidelines or templates for what may be used in the future. They follow very closely to the letters that I provided to United. I suggest they be placed on either the Lucent Benefits Website or the Transgender Website that Mary Ann originally put together for reference. <> <> Tomorrow, Friday is my last day at Lucent. I have decided to direct my existential compass towards a startup here in the valley and go for broke to not pass go do not collect $200. I will miss you all. I was looking at some of the earlier e-mails sent on the distribution list a few days ago and they certainly could make for the content of an interesting albeit almost unreal comedy 20 or 30 years from now (I hope anyway that is the case). I will be going back in the other direction 20 or 30 years back in time when I visit Ireland at Christmas to meet with some of my old friends that I recently got back in contact with. I know that you will all wish me the best on this venture. A thousand Hugs to you all (no make that two thousand hugs, I'm feeling generous). Sharon